Cloud computing in banking: Full definition & guide

Discover the importance of cloud computing in banking for 2024 and how Axalize leads with tailored solutions for financial institutions.
Cloud computing in banking: Full definition & guide

Over 90% of enterprises use cloud computing technology, a constant increase across industries. Last year, 88% of enterprises worldwide used the cloud, demonstrating a significant increase. While several sectors have started using cloud services for their data and operations, banking is taking its time to adopt the idea due to the sector’s own distinctive characteristics. However, cloud computing in banking brings about many benefits and supports the banking sector in expanding and enhancing user experience.

What is cloud banking?

Cloud banking can be defined as the on-demand delivery of hosted computing services (servers, data storage, communication and networking, applications, and data analytics) to financial institutions (FIs) such as banks, credit unions, Fintechs, and other FIs through the use of the Internet.

FIs now have access to computing resources and information technology services that are scalable and cost-efficient thanks to cloud banking.

Benefits of cloud computing for banks

Given that financial institutions are making a gradual but continuous transition toward cloud-based information technology infrastructure, it is essential to emphasize the advantages that cloud computing offers to the banking industry.

Enhancement of data security

When it comes to the operations of a bank, cloud computing in banking is a security-first strategy because the software that it uses is often updated. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance to select a cloud computing service that satisfies the following characteristics to guarantee that the intended purpose is accomplished:

  • Certifications and compliance requirements
  • Efficient operation and dependability
  • Inclusion of technology of the next year
  • Assistance for migration
  • 24/7 support for the service

Reduced expenses for the infrastructure

Although there are no definitive numbers, the fact that banks continue to rely on on-premise systems is a phenomenon that occurs all across the world. However, although they can protect users' data thanks to this dependence, a significant issue with it is that it is difficult to respond to changes at the organizational level. Any modification to the information technology infrastructure, workload management, or other aspects of the system requires time, which results in significant downtime on the customer's end.

Through the utilization of cloud consulting services, financial institutions can scale their products on an urgent basis, while simultaneously making the modifications to their information technology architecture more manageable.

Improving the effectiveness of operations

An environment that is hosted in the cloud can significantly boost the efficiency of a financial institution. Benefits such as the following are available to banks that host their services on the cloud:

  • Regulation of quality
  • Recovery after a disaster
  • Being adaptable
  • Reduced risk of loss
  • Take control of risks

Financial institutions can concentrate on reducing their fixed and variable expenses by putting their banking portals on the cloud, which also provides a guarantee of 99% access to the Internet.

Gaining access to software programs

When it comes to banking, cloud computing provides financial institutions with access to customer relationship management (CRM) and enterprise resource planning (ERP) software tools that are designed to improve their employee experience and their relationships with their customers. These applications are a part of the software as a service (SaaS) concept, which means that the banks have full control over them in terms of the data that is entered into them and the extent to which they may be personalized.

Ensuring the continuity of corporate operations

It is possible for banking companies to achieve higher degrees of fault tolerance, data protection, and disaster recovery through the utilization of cloud computing. In addition to this, cloud computing offers a significant amount of redundancy and backup at a reasonable cost. Banking institutions now have access to every component necessary to ensure their continued viability in the future.

As a result of the cloud's on-demand nature, the infrastructure expenditure is reduced, which in turn reduces the amount of time required for the initial setup. Consequently, the development period for new products is shortened as a result of all of this, which results in increased efficiency and a more rapid reaction from customers.

Payment based on usage

Regarding technology, there is an excessive amount of fear that is strongly ingrained in an organization as traditional as banking. If they want to implement new technology, cloud computing allows them the flexibility to purchase the service on a pay-as-you-go basis, which is a significant advantage.

Environment friendly

The reduction in energy consumption and carbon footprint that results from moving banking functions to the cloud is significant. In addition to this, it allows for a reduction in the amount of time spent idle, which results in an extraordinarily efficient utilization of processing power.

The moment has come to select the most suitable cloud services for financial institutions, now that we have examined the obvious advantages that cloud computing offers to the financial services industry. 

>> Find more about The Comprehensive Guide about Cloud Computing

Challenges of cloud computing in banking sector

Banks have many obstacles to cloud adoption. Check out some of the main challenges of cloud computing for banking. 


The distance between a data center and the cloud service provider can cause delays. Latency can delay fundamental banking tasks like card authorization. In addition to geographical differences, moving systems from the data center to the cloud environment might also increase latency. 

Digital residence 

Data ownership is one of the most concerning difficulties that occur when data is stored in the cloud. Financial institutions must comply with federal data storage restrictions, compounding this difficulty. 


Outages are rarer than in traditional IT environments, but they sometimes happen. Cloud disruptions, unlike traditional IT outages, can lead to high-level data security breaches and real-time downtime that banks cannot control. 

Choosing the best cloud computing model for financial services 

Cloud allows banks to switch from a capital-intensive paradigm to a flexible business model that reduces operational costs while prioritizing data protection. A successful cloud development and integration process depends on choosing the correct cloud computing paradigm. 

Cloud service models

Institutions can choose from three main cloud computing services in banking ecosystems:

The Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud service model provides corporate software and data for users to access via their web browsers. Customer relationship management, invoicing, accounting, service desk management, and content management are SaaS use cases. 

Platform as a Service (PaaS) — This cloud type provides a comprehensive platform for interface, app, database, and testing. Banks can expedite development, reduce IT expenditures, and reduce hardware and software needs.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) lets banks outsource software, data centers, and servers instead of buying them. 

Models for Cloud Deployment

Private cloud—A bank's cloud infrastructure. The bank or an on-site third party manages it. Banks are advised to host their services in a private cloud for greater control and flexibility. Due to its deployment within the organization's firewall, a private cloud reduces security risk.  

Public cloud - The cloud service provider owns this infrastructure, which the banking industry can use. Public cloud can give banks scale economies.

Hybrid cloud—This infrastructure uses private and public clouds for corporate purposes. 

Models of cloud operations

Virtual captives — This concept provides on-demand centers and resources for banks' cloud operations.

Staff augmentation — Banks hire skilled cloud experts under this model. Internally-based teams provide greater flexibility in fulfilling real-time demands. 

Outsourcing providers manage cloud operations using offshore facilities and staff. People and facilities under this paradigm serve many banks. 

Best practices for implementing cloud computing in the banking industry

These best practices can help banks implement their systems securely and compliantly and reap the benefits of cloud computing while reducing risks and problems.

Assess and manage risk

A rigorous risk assessment and management procedure is essential for cloud computing in banking. This involves identifying particular service risks and vulnerabilities and adopting procedures to mitigate them. Data privacy and security, regulatory compliance, and business continuity are important.

Management of vendors

Effective vendor management entails choosing reliable cloud providers, negotiating and revising SLAs, and monitoring vendor performance and compliance. Banks should analyze their providers' financial soundness, security controls, and compliance with industry norms and laws during due diligence and continuing reviews.

FAQs about banking on the cloud

Q: How does cloud banking work?

A. Data algorithms, capabilities, and banking-specific software platforms make up cloud banking. Cloud services let banks quickly construct bespoke software applications and infrastructures to streamline banking operations. It lets banks manage their fundamental banking systems and offer excellent financial services.

Q: Why are banks and other financial organizations moving to the cloud?

A. Moving to the cloud improves IT security, efficiency, and resilience for banks and other financial institutions. The cloud also speeds up manual repetitive activities. Cloud computing enables experimentation, innovation, and corporate agility, helping banks streamline key operations.

Q. What are some cloud migration success criteria for banks?

A. Banks should engage with the best cloud service provider that has advised or helped large financial institutions with cloud computing solutions when evaluating cloud solutions for various financial services. Banks should examine these success elements while adopting cloud solutions. 

  • Clarify cloud-based project ROI.
  • Choose cloud service providers with experience.
  • Sign pay-per-use cloud delivery outsourcing contracts.
  • Understand data confidentiality and regulatory compliance.

Q. Are banks in danger when using cloud services?

A. Banks usually tolerate regulatory and reputational risk poorly. The biggest concerns of banks that are still reluctant to move their code systems to the cloud are business disruption, compliance with strict data, security, and privacy rules, and the complexity of the changes in their financial operations and systems. 

Working with competent cloud specialists who understand banking system risk can lessen these hazards of cloud migration.


To summarize, cloud computing in banking has emerged as an indispensable component, making it indispensable for the efficiency and safety of the industry in the digital era of 2024. Axalize is one of the pioneers in providing cloud solutions for banks and financial institutions. Axalize's experience guarantees that banks continue to be competitive and adaptable in an evolving market.
