All about Chatbot for business: best solution for small businesses

Discover the power of chatbot for business. Learn why they're essential tools for growth and customer engagement in today's market.
All about Chatbot for business: best solution for small businesses

A chatbot is an automated computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users. A chatbot for business is beneficial because it can streamline customer interactions, provide instant responses, and handle a large volume of inquiries efficiently.

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is ongoing. Therefore, the inquiry arises— which occupations are most prone to be substituted by artificial intelligence? 

With the advancement of AI, more and more firms are actively investigating the possible advantages of incorporating chatbots into their corporate operations. It is not by chance that customer service workers rank highly among the jobs that can be replaced by AI chatbots.

What advantages does a chatbot for business bring?

Chatbots are software applications that have the ability to mimic human conversations. They have already demonstrated their value as effective tools for customer service and marketing. The primary advantages of chatbots for business include:

Enhanced customer involvement 

Chatbots exhibit a significantly greater rate of responding to messages compared to emails. The typical engagement rate for chatbots is approximately 10%, which is calculated as the click-through percentage for all individuals visiting a website. The email marketing conversion rate is less than 3%.

Continuous availability and immediate support at all times 

Approximately 50% of online shoppers hold the belief that the typical duration for customer service to respond should be less than 5 minutes. Chatbot for business is highly suitable for providing immediate assistance to clients by using automated responses that effectively handle most customer requirements. 

Customized customer interactions 

It is simple to establish distinct chatbots for different categories of clients, such as new customers, returning customers, or shoppers who are leaving their shopping carts behind. E-commerce chatbots possess the ability to autonomously identify clients, provide tailored messaging, and even greet visitors by their given names.

Conversational marketing refers to the practice of engaging in interactive and personalized conversations with potential customers in order to promote products or services. Chatbots are applicable for conducting social media sales campaigns and generating leads. They enhance consumer interactions throughout every phase of your sales funnel.

Enhanced efficiency of customer support personnel 

Based on a 2022 study on chatbot trends, over 73% of customer inquiries may be successfully addressed using 5 messages or fewer. Chatbots can alleviate the workload of support workers by autonomously addressing frequently encountered problems.

Decreased operational expenses 

From a business standpoint, chatbots are highly cost-efficient and yield a favorable return on investment. It is projected that by 2023, the use of chatbots for business and virtual shopping assistants will result in an annual cost reduction of approximately $11 billion.

Businesses employ chatbots because they result in quantifiable benefits. Based on a recent estimate by Business Insider, the expenditure of consumers in the retail sector through chatbots is projected to reach $142 billion by the year 2024.

A virtual assistant can automate monotonous chores, resulting in time and cost savings that would otherwise be allocated to human agents. In addition, the utilization of natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) enhances the user experience and increases consumer satisfaction. Lastly, your chatbots will attract more qualified prospects and enhance conversion rates.

However, what are some tangible uses of websites and Facebook Messenger chatbots? Now, let's examine several methods of applying chatbot technology and explore some corporate chatbot applications.

Utilizing chatbots for business purposes

To utilize chatbots for business purposes, it is imperative to integrate a live chat feature into your website and social media platforms. Next, develop a conversational AI bot and enable it within your live chat widget. Utilize a chatbot builder to create customized bots for your business. Renowned chatbot providers offer a wide array of chatbot designs and templates for users to select from.

If you possess the necessary skills to create your own dialog trees and chatbot workflows, then building a chatbot from the ground up may be the most suitable option for you. Alternatively, if you desire a more uncomplicated and direct resolution, opting for one of the pre-designed chatbot templates can be a superior choice.

Below are several chatbot business strategies and examples of successful implementations of chatbots by enterprises.

Utilize a chatbot specifically designed for call center purposes to efficiently address frequently asked questions.

Chatbots operate continuously, without expressing dissatisfaction or requiring extensive customer service training sessions. The technology has arrived. We have moved beyond the initial greeting of "Hello. IT." Have you attempted to power cycle the device? There is absolutely no justification for causing your customer to experience delays and requiring your representatives to respond to redundant inquiries repeatedly.

Microsoft utilizes a customer support chatbot as an illustration: Upon transmitting the message, the virtual assistant will proceed to inquire about additional details and propose a resolution to the issue. Usually, this will be a hyperlink leading to a particular troubleshooting article in their repository of information.

Initially, Microsoft provided assistance through a live chat with actual agents. Gradually, a larger proportion of repetitive questions could be answered by an automated conversational agent known as a chatbot. Currently, the virtual assistant serves as the main means of support for certain Microsoft products and services.

Gather client data and obtain user feedback

Chatbots can gather client input in two ways: passively, by engaging in discussions, or actively, by conducting surveys. The passive approach can be highly inconspicuous, for as when a chatbot identifies clients who mention particular phrases or product names. The second method, chatbot surveys, is more clear and direct.

Both categories of bots can be really valuable for comprehending the desires and sentiments of your clients towards your organization. However, it is crucial to meticulously plan the structure of your chatbot surveys to obtain the most precise and reliable information.

Provide individualized product suggestions

A highly effective application of chatbots in the commercial realm is the provision of tailored recommendations. Chatbots possess the capability to examine consumer preferences and provide customized products or services accordingly. By offering a more personalized shopping experience, businesses may enhance consumer satisfaction and ultimately boost their conversion rates and revenues.

However, what is the practical functioning mechanism of this particular chatbot? It is possible to program your chatbot to record and monitor the products that your clients have previously browsed or purchased. Subsequently, automated systems will generate forthcoming suggestions by analyzing the aforementioned data. An additional option is to analyze conversations and your customer database in order to generate multiple client profiles. For instance, there may be a stark contrast in the welcome messages received by new clients and those who have previously used the service.

Assess the quality of leads using chatbots designed for lead creation.

One of the most advantageous aspects of chatbots, from a commercial perspective, is their capacity to produce and assess leads. One effective method to incentivize visitors to provide their email or phone number is by providing a valuable item in exchange. Chatbots can offer discount codes or other incentives to attract potential customers.

If you are exceptionally lethargic, you can even attempt to persuade visitors to provide their contact information, enabling them to initiate a chat with the bot initially. 

However, bots can also assist in client segmentation and the evaluation of leads. Inquire about the requirements of your visitors in order to identify potential customers and distinguish them from those who are not.

The aforementioned example illustrates a chatbot that is fueled by Drift. The system inquires about the business objectives of prospective clients and subsequently allocates them to designated customer support or sales representatives. Individuals are significantly more inclined to discuss their desires and objectives when prompted by an endearing artificial intelligence entity, as opposed to an arbitrary pop-up window.

Utilize social media as a tool for generating sales through conversations.

In the realm of web marketing, it is vital to possess a well-defined plan for procuring customers. A highly efficient approach to achieve this is by utilizing social media platforms and implementing paid advertising strategies. Nevertheless, it is not sufficient to simply display an advertisement and anticipate others to make purchases from you. You must determine the specific location to which you intend to shift their attention.

What is our recommendation? Experience the utilization of Facebook Messenger bots for companies to engage in conversational commerce.

Historically, personalized landing pages have been considered the most effective method for optimizing the value of your purchased traffic. However, chatbots and conversational landing pages have a 20% higher conversion rate compared to traditional landing pages.

When using PPC, it is crucial to optimize the potential of your website visitors. Utilizing advertisements that directly redirect people to your Messenger or WhatsApp chatbots is an infallible marketing tactic.

Minimize the number of abandoned shopping carts

Several organizations struggle to comprehend the reasons behind customers abandoning their shopping carts. People are prone to get overwhelmed easily. Furthermore, these objects exhibit a rebounding effect when subjected to an excessive number of actions or encounter difficulties during the checkout procedure.

Chatbots have the potential to decrease the occurrence of clients abandoning their shopping carts by providing individualized support during the entire purchasing procedure. For instance, in the event that a buyer need additional information prior to finalizing their selection, a chatbot can provide aid and direction to facilitate their purchase.

Implement bots to facilitate communication across multiple channels.

Historically, customer service predominantly occurred via telephone communication. However, at present, there exist numerous well-liked messaging applications, social networks, email services, and SMS texting platforms, which collectively offer a wide range of customer care options that surpass the capacity of a single individual to manage.

Chatbots have the ability to engage with customers on various channels at the same time. With a simple click, you can effortlessly replicate the bot from a website to Messenger or Instagram. This enables firms to deliver a consistent customer experience across many touchpoints in the customer journey.

Which chatbot is the most optimal choice for business purposes?

The expenses associated with developing a chatbot can be restrictive, and you may lack the necessary resources or experience to undertake the task independently. Therefore, numerous small and medium-sized enterprises are opting for chatbot platforms and services that rely on plugins. 

These technologies enable you to develop and oversee your chatbot without requiring any programming expertise. They frequently include a diverse array of features and integrations. Additionally, certain ones own JavaScript APIs that provide complete command over the messages and widget behavior of your bot.

Below are several top-tier chatbot providers that cater specifically to businesses, particularly small enterprises:

Tidio - a chatbot designed specifically for business purposes

Tidio is a complimentary live chat and chatbot platform that facilitates communication with your consumers. It seamlessly interacts with your website and enables you to dispatch messages to your customers. Additionally, it can be utilized to monitor the outcomes of your marketing initiatives.

Perfect for Shopify and WooCommerce e-commerce platforms A user-friendly interface for creating chatbots using a drag-and-drop system, together with pre-designed templates. Features for intent recognition and machine learning There are numerous customization possibilities available as well as a chatbot API. Regarding pricing: Standard chatbots are provided at no cost. Chatbot features with premium capabilities can be accessed for a monthly fee of $49.

Chatfuel - a platform that allows users to construct bots for business purposes.

Chatfuel's chatbot-building platform provides a comprehensive look into its features and capabilities. Chatfuel is a prominent tool in the field of business chatbots. This platform allows you to develop chatbots for Messenger, Telegram, and Viber even if you lack programming expertise. Chatfuel enables the rapid and effortless creation of captivating chatbots that deliver an exceptional user experience.

Pricing is determined by the quantity of users. The initial 50 chats are complimentary, however, each subsequent 500 bot conversations will incur a fee of $15.

Botsify is a platform that specializes in creating chatbots that can operate across several channels.

Botsify enables the creation of chatbots for customer care, sales, and marketing purposes. Additionally, the platform allows for seamless integration of your chatbot with both your website and Facebook page. The pricing options are rather cheap, and the user interface is simple to use.

Pricing: There isn't a free choice. Personal plans begin at $49 per month.

Drift: chatbots for marketing conversations

You can design, oversee, and keep an eye on your chatbot campaigns all from within one UI using our conversational marketing platform. In just a few minutes, you can create and implement chatbots, monitor their effectiveness, and adjust them for optimal outcomes.

Pricing: Set according to each individual customer

All four of the above-mentioned systems have a devoted user base. Probably, the most important factor will be your budget. This is a brief rundown of the most well-liked chatbots for businesses along with their costs.

In summary

Chatbots are excellent for addressing straightforward client inquiries and streamlining corporate procedures. They are able to respond to typical inquiries and offer fundamental details about your good or service. Your customer support staff will have more time to tackle more complicated requests as a result.

Chatbots are a terrific method to accomplish your goals, whether they be to increase sales, improve customer service, or lower shopping cart abandonment rates. The best thing is that you can add bots to your website and social media accounts for free. Want to integrate a chatbot for business? Contact Axalize for the most cost-effective chatbot solution! Our team of experts will help you to choose the right one for your business and offer seamless integration!
