Top 5 Java GUI Frameworks in 2024

With so many possibilities, navigating the Java GUI framework landscape can be difficult while developers must choose a framework that fits project needs and follows current trends and technology. This article examines the top five Java GUI frameworks of 2024, assessing their features, adaptability, and applicability for different development contexts. As you start Java GUI development, this tutorial will help you choose between cutting-edge visuals, platform-native experiences, and easy interoperability with current codebases.
Top 5 Java GUI Frameworks in 2024

With so many possibilities, navigating the Java GUI framework landscape can be difficult while developers must choose a framework that fits project needs and follows current trends and technology. This article examines the top five Java GUI frameworks of 2024, assessing their features, adaptability, and applicability for different development contexts. As you start Java GUI development, this tutorial will help you choose between cutting-edge visuals, platform-native experiences, and easy interoperability with current codebases.

What is Java GUI?

GUI means Graphic User Interface. Console is a command line window interface. A GUI system uses technologies and gadgets to give people a platform to interact with it. The WIMP paradigm (Window, Icon, Menu, Pointing device) is the most prevalent GUI component used in personal computers to display computer data. Eclipse, NetBeans, and Microsoft Office are GUI software.

GUI software lets users engage via an intuitive interface rather than command lines. Java Frameworks make GUI interface programming for apps easy.

Top Java GUI Frameworks 2024

Java Swing

Java Swing provides GUI components for Java apps. A complete suite of components lets you build desktop apps with sophisticated user interfaces. Swing was designed to be more flexible and powerful than Abstract Window Toolkit.

Key Java Swing features:

  • Swing components are lightweight and independent of the platform's widgets. Swing components are rendered fully in Java, ensuring a uniform appearance and feel across platforms.
  • Rich component set: Swing includes buttons, labels, text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, lists, tables, trees, and more. These components are highly customizable to meet application needs.
  • Pluggable look and feel: Swing lets developers dynamically change their apps' appearance. Developers can design bespoke or use pre-defined look and feel themes.
  • Swing, like most GUI toolkits, uses event-driven programming. Swing components can respond to button clicks, mouse movements, and keyboard inputs with event listeners.
  • Swing's layout managers help developers organize components in containers. Layout managers automatically position and size components based on container size and developer layout limitations.
  • Internationalization: Swing supports i18n and l10n. Applications that support several languages and locales are easy to develop.
  • Accessibility: Keyboard navigation and screen reader support make swing apps accessible to disabled users.

Due to its flexibility, comprehensive feature set, and cross-platform compatibility, Swing is a popular Java desktop application framework. Swing remains essential for applications that need fine-grained GUI control, even if newer GUI frameworks have emerged.

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Java FX

A strong Java framework for sophisticated client applications is JavaFX. It offers APIs for constructing modern, platform-independent GUIs with animations, multimedia, 3D graphics, and online integration. Sun Microsystems (now Oracle) introduced JavaFX to replace Swing and modernize GUI programming.

Key JavaFX features:

  • JavaFX has several UI controls, including buttons, text fields, tables, trees, charts, and more. Highly customisable, these controls look and feel the same across platforms.
  • In JavaFX, developers can specify UI structure using FXML (FXML Markup Language), an XML-based language that separates UI layout from application functionality. This clearly separates application design and functionality.
  • Scene Graph: JavaFX represents application visuals via a scene graph architecture. Scene graphs are hierarchical trees with visual components including shapes, images, and text at each node. Complex UIs can be rendered and manipulated efficiently.
  • CSS styling: JavaFX styles UI components via CSS. Developers may quickly style components or scenes to brand and customize the program.
  • JavaFX's strong APIs provide seamless animations and effects. For better user experience, developers can animate UI components, apply transitions, and add visual effects like blurring, shadows, and reflections.
  • JavaFX supports playing audio and video files and displaying web content using WebEngine. Developers can construct multimedia apps without external libraries.
  • JavaFX has APIs for building and manipulating 3D scenes and objects. JavaFX's 3D capabilities enable immersive 3D visualizations, games, and simulations.
  • JavaFX programs run on Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile devices with little modifications. JavaFX uses the JVM, making it portable and interoperable with many devices.

Modern features, performance, and ease of use make JavaFX popular among developers. Enterprise applications, multimedia software, educational tools, and more use it. Oracle has maintained and improved JavaFX, keeping it relevant in the Java environment despite early fears about its future.

Apache Pivot

Java RIAs can be built on Apache Pivot, an open-source platform. It offers a complete set of APIs and tools for constructing cross-platform, visually appealing, and interactive GUI applications for web browsers or desktops.

Key Apache Pivot features:

  • Apache Pivot has several GUI components, including buttons, text boxes, lists, tables, trees, charts, and more. These customisable components connect easily into Pivot applications.
  • Data Binding: Pivot lets developers attach UI components to data models. This simplifies development and ensures UI-data consistency.
  • BXML (Pivot Binary XML) defines pivot apps' UI. BXML simplifies complex UI design and maintenance by separating UI layout from application functionality.
  • Apache Pivot supports skinning and theming, letting developers alter application appearance. Skins establish UI component visual style, while themes create application look and feel.
  • Pivot's event-driven programming architecture lets developers attach event listeners to UI components to respond to button clicks, mouse movements, and keyboard inputs.
  • Pivot programs run on Windows, macOS, Linux, and web browsers with minimum adjustments. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) makes Pivot portable and compatible with many devices.
  • Client-Server Communication: Pivot APIs let programs communicate with remote servers over HTTP or other protocols.
  • Community Support: Apache Pivot has a vibrant development and contribution community. Hosted by the Apache Software Foundation, the platform is transparent, stable, and long-lasting.

Apache Pivot is ideal for enterprise apps, web dashboards, data visualization, and more. Developers seeking a versatile and robust platform for constructing rich internet applications in Java may consider Apache Pivot, even if it is less popular than JavaFX or Swing.


One of the oldest Java GUI libraries is Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT). Early versions of Java included it in the Java Development Kit (JDK), and it has since proven essential to Java's GUI capabilities.

Some significant AWT details:

  • Component-Based Architecture: AWT represents GUI components like buttons, text fields, checkboxes, etc. as objects. These components can be created and managed using AWT classes.
  • AWT was developed to execute Java GUI applications on any platform that supports the Java Virtual Machine. AWT uses platform-specific "peer" components to communicate with the OS's windowing mechanism.
  • Heavyweight components: AWT components are "heavyweight" because they render using the platform's native windowing system. Each AWT component has a native peer component that draws and handles events.
  • Events: GUI components in AWT generate events in response to user actions (e.g., mouse clicks, keyboard inputs). Developers can register event listeners to handle these events and create desired behavior.
  • AWT layout managers enable developers to organize GUI components in containers. Layout managers automatically alter component location and size based on developer layout constraints to adapt the UI to multiple screen sizes and resolutions.
  • AWT's GUI components are more simple than Swing or JavaFX's. It includes buttons, labels, text fields, etc., but not advanced functionality present in newer libraries.
  • Native Code Integration: The java.awt.peer package lets Java developers incorporate native code. This lets Java developers use platform-specific capabilities or native libraries.
  • AWT set the groundwork for Java GUI programming, but Swing and JavaFX have since replaced it. For backward compatibility, Java still supports AWT, making it a viable option for small GUI applications or lightweight GUI libraries.

In conclusion, AWT is a core Java GUI library with a basic component-based architecture and platform-independent GUI features. Although it lacks some of the functionality and flexibility of modern GUI tools, it is still useful for basic Java GUI creation.


The Java GUI toolkit Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) delivers a native appearance and feel across platforms. Swing and AWT render their own components, but SWT uses OS-provided widgets. SWT was originally part of Eclipse but is now a separate library used in many Java projects.

Key SWT details:

  • SWT uses operating system widgets including buttons, text fields, tables, and trees. This makes SWT apps look, feel, perform, and behave like native apps.
  • Platform Independence: SWT uses native widgets yet has a standard API across operating systems. SWT uses a thin layer of platform-specific code to interact with native widgets.
  • SWT uses an event-driven programming style like other GUI toolkits. Developers can register event listeners to handle GUI component events like mouse clicks and keyboard inputs.
  • Native Code Integration: The org.eclipse.swt.internal package lets Java developers incorporate native code. Developers can use platform-specific features or native libraries in SWT apps.
  • SWT layout managers enable developers to arrange GUI components in containers. Layout managers automatically alter component location and size based on developer layout constraints to adapt the UI to multiple screen sizes and resolutions.
  • Rich Set of Features: SWT supports drag-and-drop, printing, clipboard operations, and powerful graphics for complicated GUI applications.
  • Integration with Eclipse IDE: SWT was designed for Eclipse and remains strongly linked with Eclipse. Eclipse Foundation develops and maintains SWT, which is used in many plugins and extensions for user interfaces.
  • Performance: SWT performs better than Swing or other GUI toolkits that render components because it leverages native widgets. The application's complexity and platform may affect this performance advantage.

The robust and flexible Java GUI toolkit SWT is ideal for designing desktop apps that need a native appearance and feel across platforms. Its strong connection with Eclipse and performance benefits make it a popular choice for Java rich client applications, IDEs, and desktop tools.


Java developers have many GUI framework options in 2024, each with its own strengths and project fit. There's a framework for every need, from JavaFX's modern capabilities to Swing's reliability, Apache Pivot's diversity, SWT's native feel, and AWT's simplicity. These top five Java GUI frameworks let developers construct rich and engaging user interfaces by producing visually attractive apps, lightweight solutions, and seamless integration with native code.
