Empowering Healthcare Access: Axalize's Online Medical Appointment System
Axalize created an inventive online medical appointment system to help with healthcare access during the pandemic.

Project Overview

Team Size
4 months
Tech Stacks
PHP Laravel, ReactJS, MySQL

Empowering Healthcare Access: Axalize's Online Medical Appointment System

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, numerous sectors, including aviation, had never-before-seen difficulties. This case study explains how Axalize created an inventive online medical appointment system to help with healthcare access during the pandemic, inspired by a pilot's desire to help. 

About the client and the project idea

The brainchild behind the project, a pilot grounded by the pandemic, recognized the pressing need for accessible healthcare services amid widespread disruptions. Motivated to contribute to the community, he conceptualized an online medical appointment system that would streamline scheduling for hospitals and clinics while ensuring convenient access for patients. The system aimed to alleviate the challenges posed by limited appointments and transportation constraints during the epidemic period.

Axalize's Online Medical Appointment System

Axalize's support in the in-need solution of Covid-19 period

The primary challenge lay in rapidly developing a user-friendly online platform capable of facilitating medical appointments while adhering to stringent scheduling constraints imposed by the pandemic. Axalize faced the daunting task of not only comprehending the intricate requirements of the project but also ensuring seamless communication with stakeholders to deliver a solution that met their needs effectively.

How does Axalize solve the requirements?

Within a short period of time, Axalize was able to put together a committed team that included a Business Analyst for customer communication, a designer, and three experienced developers who were skilled at implementing solutions within difficult time constraints. Axalize, which makes use of an Agile development methodology, placed a high priority on the speedy delivery of fundamental features to create a beta version that is fully functional within two months. Through the utilization of PHP Laravel, ReactJS, MySQL, and the infrastructure provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS), Axalize ensured the system's stability and scalability. 

Our Achievement

The launch of the Beta version garnered positive feedback from initial users, motivating both Axalize and its clients to further enhance the system's capabilities. Within four months, Axalize successfully realized the core functionalities of the online medical appointment system, enabling patients to schedule appointments efficiently while mitigating overbooking issues for hospitals and clinics.

Furthermore, Axalize's proactive approach to soliciting user feedback and refining the system's UI/UX design based on real-world usage experiences further bolstered its effectiveness. The system's success led to additional opportunities for customization, with clinics expressing interest in tailored versions to align with their specific service offerings.

Encouraged by the system's early success, Axalize kept improving and growing to fulfill changing needs in healthcare. The need for versions that were specially made for each clinic highlighted the system's adaptability and potential for broad use. Axalize moved from project delivery to continuous development with ease, making sure the system is still flexible and responsive to new demands in the healthcare industry.

Axalize's Online Medical Appointment System
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